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Helping Boomers Find Their Place To Serve

One of our primary roles as ministry leaders is to “prepare God’s people for works of service.” (Ephesians 4:12) This task remains just as important (if not more important) for us to do with older adults because our society is sending them a different message. Culture communicates that as people age they should be relegated to the sidelines as if they no longer have something to contribute.

In this podcast, produced by the Older Adult Ministry Network, I talk about specific ways we as church leaders can come alongside older adults and help them find their unique place to serve and invest themselves.

Listen to the podcast here.

I’d love to hear your thoughts. What have you found to be effective methods in engaging older adults to serve?


One comment

  • May 19, 2014 6:38 pmPosted 10 years ago
    Robert W. Chism

    Salvation is absolutely the most important lessons we may learn in life. All other good works are achievable through Him who strengthens me. I truly believe God has given us 30 years of longevity to accomplish the following scriptures:

    The Ten Commandments: Exodus 20:1-17 (NIV)
    The Great Commandment: Matthew 16:18 (NIV)
    The Great Commission: Matthew 22:37-40 (NIV)
    The Building of His Church Commission Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV)
    The Work Commandment: Colossians 3:23–24 (NIV)
    The Longevity Response-Ability Commission:Psalm 92:14 (NIV)

    An example of salvation is Joe’s Story:The story is by Erica, his wife, as told to Wes & Judy Wick, Co-Founders of YES! Youth Enough to Serve. The story of Joe Capri shared in part (For complete article see reinforces what a blessing we can be when we move beyond a complacency mode and unleash the power of our elderhood protirement in the Lord’s service.

    When Joe was 70, an evangelist told him, “Joe, the Lord has impressed on my heart that you have made an idol of television and football. And if you’re unwilling to get out of your recliner and serve Him, He will take you home.” On the Monday morning following this weekend encounter, Joe placed a call to a friend who served at the Spokane County jail. He asked if he could become a volunteer through the chaplain’s office. They assured him that there was both a need and an open door. He went through preliminary training and began serving. As he continued to serve, he pursued his ministerial credentials and eventually became the assistant chaplain at the jail, going there faithfully five days a week.

    The inmates loved Joe’s sincerity, discernment, and direct approach. One after another, God used Joe to help turn men’s & female hearts to Christ. Early on he prayed he would live long enough for a thousand souls to turn to Jesus. He kept a running log of names. When the total number of salvations reached a thousand, he asked the Lord for another thousand.

    At the age of 88 Joe had a stroke and was confined to a wheelchair. With the assistance of friends he continued visiting the jail for another two years, always looking for opportunities to lead others to Christ.
    After his passing in May, 2013, the chaplains and I (Erica) reviewed Joe’s monthly logs, which listed by name and date the men and women Joe was privileged to lead to Christ. A final tally found JUST OVER TEN THOUSAND names documented during Joe’s twenty years of jail ministry, from age seventy to ninety!

    As I push through the pain of grief in losing my best friend, I know there are more lives to touch with the redeeming power of Jesus. His redemption can bring eternal life, break through addiction, mend broken hearts, restore marriages, light a fire under complacent Christians, and touch the most incorrigible of criminals.

    Now in my ninth decade of life, I still want to make a difference. And perhaps by hearing Joe’s testimony, you too will be inspired to break away from your TV or from whatever else might hold you captive and step out in faith as a willing vessel of Christ.


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