Archive for August 2011
Aging and Fear: A Word of Encouragement
As we look for ways to minister to the body, mind and soul of older adults, I came across a devotion in the book, Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence by Sarah Young, that I thought was helpful. It speaks to some of the fears and needs of people as they age and it is written as if God is talking directly to the person. Read more
Moving Older Adults Off the Sidelines and Back into the Game
Wes and Judy Wick lead a dynamic ministry called, YES! (Young Enough to Serve). I have known both of them for several years and we share a similar passion for ministry with older adults. This video that their son produced is outstanding! It’s just 3 minutes long and communicates in a very compelling way why we must engage older adults in the life of the church. So watch, be inspired and then go do something! Read more
Why Aren't More Leaders Excited About Ministry with the New Old?
More than a year ago in Leadership Journal, Dave Travis, managing director of Leadership Network, mentioned three things in the church that should be changing by now but aren’t. One of these was ministry to the encore generation. Dave said, “With the huge baby boomer population in this demographic, I’m surprised we’re not seeing growth for this sector.”
His words echo my own thoughts. In talking with many pastors, I have found that most of them do not have this area of ministry on their radar. Health care, the travel and leisure industry and even fashion merchandising is paying attention to the bulging numbers of adults in their 50s, 60s and 70s, but the church seems to be ignoring it. Why is this? Here are just a few of my ideas on the subject. Read more