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Focusing on What Matters

It’s no shock that the culture tries to lure us into believing that the last 30 years of life are about focusing on ourselves. However, the Bible speaks in contrast to this mindset and reminds us that we are to have an eternal focus. Paul’s exhortation in Colossians 3:2 is that we are to set our minds on things above, not on earthly things. Popular author and speaker, Frances Chan illustrates this as he explains our life and eternity like a rope. As we consider our own lives and as we minister with people in the second-half, I hope this short teaching will cause us to re-think how to approach the retirement years.

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    January 11, 2016 6:46 pmPosted 9 years ago
    Robin Koskamp

    Thanks for posting Amy. Perspective is important! Nearly four years ago my husband, Dan, (at age 51) lost his job. No sweat, right? Actually, it didn’t seem that catastrophic. God’s proven faithfulness through the years was the rock that we stood on and the things that did change, were all for the better. The only thing that we were somewhat concerned about was our retirement. Dan decided to remain self-employed and work at building his clientele which he is doing. It’s a slow process and as we approach the four year mark we still aren’t to the place of adding toward retirement. Still, that didn’t bother me much, knowing that he had worked his tail off everyday for the prior 29 years, all of which had money going into retirement. Recently, I learned that when one retires, the most recent 11 years of income is what determines his social security. That was the first time since losing his job that I had that feeling of “oh crap, that’s not cool.” At the rate things are going that amount will be substantially less than had he not lost his job. Occasionally, I find myself feeling sad, wondering what our future will look like. I have no concern of being a homeless, starving old woman but will we be able to have the life we hope to have after retirement; FYI, a life of ministry, generosity and being part of our adult children’s lives wherever they may be – not vacations, self focus and relaxation. Dan and I are still standing on the rock and we believe God. His loving kindness will follow us all the days of our lives, regardless of any circumstances. Seeing this video today had me silently laughing at myself and my foolishness. It brought me back to the truth. It doesn’t matter if the last few years of our earthly lives are what this world, as well as many believers, has trained us to believe they should be. All that matters is what Jesus shows us day by day and that our focus in on Him. There is nothing out there that is more important. And if I live as though there is, is Jesus truly and genuinely my everything? I don’t think so. Oh how I love Jesus and that long white rope. I’m going to save this video when I need to be reminded of what is true about this life. As I re-read this post, looking for all of my spelling mishaps, 🙂 I see that I had written perspective is everything! I quickly changed that to perspective is important! Jesus is everything! He is absolutely everything! Thanks to you and Mr. Chan for the reminder. Blessings Amy!

  • January 12, 2016 2:36 pmPosted 9 years ago
    Robert W. Chism

    A classic prime on the topic is a new book entitled, Fundamental Retirement/Protirement Planning.

    Starting early on, your retirement/protirement planning is essential.

    Some key elements you should learn are: salvation; stewardship: preparing a budget, drafting a will plus essential non legal documents, and leaving a lasting legacy; maintaining wellness; and works, promoting adult wellness and caring.

    Protirement means retiring or quitting an unattractive job to pursue work or hobbies more suited to one’s personality.

    Fundamental Retirement/Protirement Planning is was written as a self-study life retirement/protirement planning reference guide for finishing extremely well, achieving spiritual, physical, mental, and financial health.

  • April 26, 2021 4:16 pmPosted 3 years ago
    Alice Kenney

    This has helped my research on Elderly Care a lot! Presenting will be much easier now! Thanks Eli’s mom!

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