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What the Church Can Learn From Toyota

It seems that everywhere I turn, I discover businesses that are doing things in order to appeal to the aging baby boomer. And these businesses are recognizing that boomers are approaching aging in an entirely different way. Just check out this Toyota commercial that boldly breaks through many myths of aging.

Notice how the boomers are depicted: Adventurous, Fun, Hip. Nothing like the stereotypes that say, “Older people don’t know how to have fun.” or “Older people stay home and go to bed early.”

Is your church creating ministries that appeal to the adventurous and fun attitude of today’s new old? What things are you doing to attract this age group to your church? What other adjectives would you use to describe this generation?

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  • September 3, 2011 1:46 pmPosted 13 years ago
    Kim Pagel

    Amy, I like this Toyota commercial even better. I absolutely loved this the first time I saw it. Goes to prove that use “older adults” know how to really live!

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    September 22, 2011 3:06 amPosted 13 years ago
    Donna Menchinger

    My church has just changed its name to a more modern name in order to encourage the younger adult. We have also quit using the bulletin. I am a Parish Nurse with a speciality in gerontology and I know what changes and do the the older person. I am getting all my facts together then approach the leaders. The UMC has a older adult ministry that I just found out about! Why are we not using it?
    Donna Menchinger RN, FCN

  • November 28, 2011 2:29 pmPosted 13 years ago
    John Lewandoski

    Can you please put me in touch with what the UMC is doing? I’m looking to start an “older” adult ministry in my church.



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