Baby Boomer Ministry
Focusing on What Matters
It’s no shock that the culture tries to lure us into believing that the last 30 years of life are about focusing on ourselves. However, the Bible speaks in contrast to this mindset and reminds us that we are to have an eternal focus. Paul’s exhortation in Colossians 3:2 is that we are to set our minds on things above, not on earthly things. Popular author and speaker, Frances Chan illustrates this as he explains our life and eternity like a rope. As we consider our own lives and as we minister with people in the second-half, I hope this short teaching will cause us to re-think how to approach the retirement years.
Consider This....
I try to keep a pulse on what is being written about baby boomers and older adults. Here are two that have recently caught my eye.
This article in the New York Times gives more proof as to why churches cannot ignore ministry with the new old.
I’ve said for some time that church planters need to pay attention to the growing boomer demographic. And while I wish this author would not have referred to older adults as geezers, (Smile), I am SO glad a veteran church planter is talking about this!
How should the church respond to the information presented? Any thoughts?
Helping Boomers Find Their Place To Serve
One of our primary roles as ministry leaders is to “prepare God’s people for works of service.” (Ephesians 4:12) This task remains just as important (if not more important) for us to do with older adults because our society is sending them a different message. Culture communicates that as people age they should be relegated to the sidelines as if they no longer have something to contribute.
In this podcast, produced by the Older Adult Ministry Network, I talk about specific ways we as church leaders can come alongside older adults and help them find their unique place to serve and invest themselves.
Listen to the podcast here.
I’d love to hear your thoughts. What have you found to be effective methods in engaging older adults to serve?
How to Get New People to Check Out Your 50+ Ministry
I was cleaning out some files the other day and came across one file all about an event that I led for older adults when I was the 50+ ministry director at Central Christian Church in Las Vegas. The event was called the “Remember When Reception” and it reminded me of an important idea that might help those of us who lead older adult ministries. Here is the question for us to consider:
How might we use the momentum of an all-church big event or service to help propel our ministries with older adults forward? Read more
What the Church Can Learn From Toyota
It seems that everywhere I turn, I discover businesses that are doing things in order to appeal to the aging baby boomer. And these businesses are recognizing that boomers are approaching aging in an entirely different way. Just check out this Toyota commercial that boldly breaks through many myths of aging. Read more
Why Aren't More Leaders Excited About Ministry with the New Old?
More than a year ago in Leadership Journal, Dave Travis, managing director of Leadership Network, mentioned three things in the church that should be changing by now but aren’t. One of these was ministry to the encore generation. Dave said, “With the huge baby boomer population in this demographic, I’m surprised we’re not seeing growth for this sector.”
His words echo my own thoughts. In talking with many pastors, I have found that most of them do not have this area of ministry on their radar. Health care, the travel and leisure industry and even fashion merchandising is paying attention to the bulging numbers of adults in their 50s, 60s and 70s, but the church seems to be ignoring it. Why is this? Here are just a few of my ideas on the subject. Read more
What's in a Name?
It is a reoccurring topic of conversation among many of the churches I visit and leaders I interact with. What do we call our ministry? And how do we identify the people we want to serve?
I’ve written before on how most baby boomers do not like to be called seniors. And in an effort to continue to search for answers to this question of what to call the new-old, I want to share something from a gerontology textbook. Read more
Three Lessons From One Boomer Small Group
A little over a month ago I received a very encouraging e-mail from a married couple who are obviously making an impact with their lives. Here is an excerpt from the e-mail: We lead a small group of “Empty Nesters,” all of whom are boomers and members of the same church. Our small group of about 15 have been studying Richard Stearns’ DVD series called The Hole in Our Gospel DVD It is based on his book by the same name. We decided we wanted to do something and not just learn from the needs of the world. We decided in our naivety (but not God’s) that we wanted to drill a well in a third world country. We started the series in February and decided that we would give toward the well project whatever God gave to us in unexpected ways. Research said it would be anywhere from $5000 to $10,000 for a drilled well. Read more
Culture, Church and Aging Baby Boomers
This week is a video blog where I discuss some recent news stories that I think can help us as we consider ministry with the new old. Read more