Back in 2006 I led a workshop at a ministry conference on the Top 5 Issues of Aging that the church must address. One of the five was transportation. I know, I know, that sounds nothing like the start of a cool or glamorous or cutting edge ministry. But hear me out, this was an issue 8 years ago and it is becoming an even bigger issue today and will be a huge issue in the future. Mobility is a major concern for older adults, and no longer being able to drive oneself can contribute to loneliness, depression and feeling devalued.
This article is about an organization that is attempting to come alongside older adults and help provide transportation. What can the church learn from this and how could we put together an army of volunteers through our faith communities that could reach out and respond to those in need of a ride? I will be the first to say, the actual transporting cannot be the sole job of the minister. But rather lay-people, serving others in this way would be a beautiful thing. Yes?
What have you done or seen or heard in regards to creative and effective transportation ministries for older adults?
One of our primary roles as ministry leaders is to “prepare God’s people for works of service.” (Ephesians 4:12) This task remains just as important (if not more important) for us to do with older adults because our society is sending them a different message. Culture communicates that as people age they should be relegated to the sidelines as if they no longer have something to contribute.
In this podcast, produced by the Older Adult Ministry Network, I talk about specific ways we as church leaders can come alongside older adults and help them find their unique place to serve and invest themselves.
Listen to the podcast here.
I’d love to hear your thoughts. What have you found to be effective methods in engaging older adults to serve?
One of the ways to break stereotypes about aging and change the view that people hold about the later years is to draw attention to those who are doing amazing and meaningful things with their second-half.
Jane Gross in Next Avenue’s E-Newsletter recently wrote a great piece about an 85-year old woman who graduated from college this year and landed her dream job accompanying a doctor on house calls to work with the elderly. Read more
Nearly every Sunday, (and Christmas morning was no exception) our family worships and serves at a retirement community. My husband, Jon, is the chaplain and he is the pastor to this flock of people and our children and myself are a part of the community of faith. We have two services every Sunday morning – one contemporary and one traditional (Just kidding!). But seriously, we have two services because the 80 to 100 people who attend church each week can’t all fit into the room at the same time! Read more
Wes and Judy Wick lead a dynamic ministry called, YES! (Young Enough to Serve). I have known both of them for several years and we share a similar passion for ministry with older adults. This video that their son produced is outstanding! It’s just 3 minutes long and communicates in a very compelling way why we must engage older adults in the life of the church. So watch, be inspired and then go do something! Read more
Something incredible is happening across the country. Never before in history have so many people lived into the later years of life with so much health and vitality. In fact, by the year 2030, nearly a quarter of our population will be 65+ in age. This is a huge group of people with the ability to make a powerful impact for Christ. Just consider what they have to offer: Read more
For my entire adult life (almost 20 years now), I have had a passion to see older adults live their lives with Christ-centered meaning and purpose. Unfortunately, our society sometimes communicates to us that the later years are for slowing down and taking it easy. Perhaps you’ve been told that you are past your prime. But God’s Word tells us something much different.
Read moreWhat keeps people from serving? The apostle Paul knew of one thing that could keep Timothy from serving God to the fullest extent and that one thing was ageism. Ageism is the term used to describe the negative biases we have about certain age groups and this is exactly what Paul was addressing in I Timothy 4:12 when he says to Timothy, “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.” Ageism happens when someone is told they are ‘too young’ to do something and it also happens when someone is told they are ‘too old’. Read more