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Crossing the Generational Divide

Each generation has preconceived ideas and attitudes toward other generations. “Those older people just don’t understand.” “Young people today have no respect.” “Older adults are stuck in their ways.” “Young adults are lazy.” And you can add all of you own statements and the ones you’ve heard people say.

The problem is, these attitudes prevent us from really connecting with one another and more importantly, they prevent us from looking beyond the surface and seeing the real person. The hardships. The struggles. The joys.

This video shared by the Texas Baptists clearly hits on some of the challenges that keep the generations from connecting. It would be a great clip to use to start a conversation in your church. Take a look and then share any feedback you have in the comments.

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    February 21, 2012 4:31 pmPosted 12 years ago

    We have a saying at our house….”Are you just asking, or do you REALLY want to know?” This, regarding the question…”how was your morning?”

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    June 11, 2012 4:43 pmPosted 12 years ago
    Marti Brown

    The Stained Glass windows clip is absolutely amazing! Thanks for the vivid reminder that we are all broken and stained but when we come together we can become a beautiful work of God!

    • June 16, 2012 9:47 pmPosted 12 years ago
      Amy Hanson

      Marti, We need everybody…of every age in the body of Christ. No doubt about it!

  • September 9, 2015 2:17 pmPosted 9 years ago
    Rhonda Buhrke

    Check out United Intergenerational Ministry at

    It reunites and strengthens generations in faith to handle, prevent, and heal the struggles and tragedies sweeping our lands through resources that reach out to every generation at the same time.


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