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The Blessings That Come With Age

Aging gets a bad rap in our society. We joke a lot about the negative aspects of aging…hearing loss, hair growth, wrinkles, etc., but I believe there actually are some wonderful things about aging. In fact, I’ve had older adults tell me that this season of their life is the best. Scripture also suggests that the later years can be a positive time of life.

“Gray hair is a crown of splendor, it is attained by a righteous life.” Proverbs 16:31
In talking about King David, the Bible says, “He died at a good old age, having enjoyed a long life…” I Chronicles 29:28

Too many people face aging with fear and dread, whereas the Bible reminds us to focus our thoughts on things that are noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy. (Philippians 4:8)

I’m working on a message I’ll be presenting at a church conference later this week. I plan to talk about some of the blessings that come with getting older and I want to hear from you. What are all the GOOD things about aging? What are the things that are lovely, right and praiseworthy?

What do you LOVE about being 50, 60, 70, 80 or even 90? If you don’t fall within one of those ages, what are you looking forward to in regards to the second-half of life?

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  • April 11, 2011 9:43 pmPosted 13 years ago
    Kim Pagel

    I’m 59 and enjoy being an empty nester, being able to spend more time with my wife. Not having children at home, I’m able to work more hours in my job that I enjoy. I have more time, money, experience and influence to invest in the people and things I care about. I love being a friend and mentor to my adult children and other young adults. We enjoy using our home to have people live with us. I consider this the best years of my life. I have more freedom, more opportunities and more time than ever before.

  • April 12, 2011 6:44 amPosted 13 years ago
    Guy & Naomi Worsham

    I’m 80, Naomi will be 77 this month, married almost 61 years and this morning we will be on our way to a 10:00am “Connect Group” of Mature Senior Adults at Grace Church of Humble, Humble, TX where we will exchange hugs, songs, greetings, testimonies, pray, play games, eat and enjoy the fellowship of each other.

    Just being able to share God’s BLESSINGS and allowing the old not to keep us from the new is a great incentive to keep up going! We are having the time of our lives following God’s leading and being doubly BLESSED while awaiting either the rapture or His call home. We plan on keeping occupied, and touching others till that GREAT HOMEGOING DAY!

    Guy & Naom Worsham

  • April 12, 2011 7:20 amPosted 13 years ago
    Dale Carter

    I turn 60 this year and it truly is the best time of my life. I love my role as listener and helper to the elderly friends I spend time with, and as a mentor to the younger generation. My 29yo daughter called me on her birthday to thank me for inspiring her to pursue her graduate degree. She said she watched me earn my MBA at age 52 and then leave a stable career to pursue my passion. It sent a clear message to her that education was so very important, and helped her believe she could do whatever she put her heart to. I am constantly inspired by my own children and how they’re reaching out into the world…..what a legacy!

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    April 12, 2011 12:11 pmPosted 13 years ago
    Sandra Gerhardt

    At 71 I am so very grateful to be alive! I drink in the beauty of God’s nature, revel in the blessings of a loving husband, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren; and delight in memories of those who had a part in forming who I am today. At my age it takes hard work to stay fit enough to continue in the many pleasures of life, and bit by bit I must realize my limitations and respect them. I see this as my task and not as a burden. Gratitude, humility and faith in the God who made me put a joyous edge on my living and a deeply resonant song in my heart.

  • April 12, 2011 1:03 pmPosted 13 years ago
    Amy Hanson (Author)

    You all are inspiring me beyond what I expected!! Thank you for sharing. I’m excited to share your responses with the older adults I will be with this weekend.

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    April 12, 2011 3:31 pmPosted 13 years ago

    I just turned 61 and couldn’t be happier! I have a job I love, my 4 kids are all grown up, I enjoy my three grandsons, I have a loving husband (he is 79!), lots of family, and good friends. Oh, yea – and I don’t have to cook dinner if I don’t feel like it! 🙂

    Most of all – I m happy with who I am on the inside and I will continue to share the gifts God has given me.

  • April 12, 2011 9:26 pmPosted 13 years ago
    Alan Eilers

    This is a nice post to see on my 58th birthday today. I’ll pass on a benefit of being middle-aged empty nesters. Our youngest child was visiting the high school graduation party of his friend Rob. We stopped by as well and talked to the proud parents, who were also looking ahead to their youngest going to college in the fall. Rob’s mom looked at her husband and then said to us “we look at it this way… empty nesting means an endless honeymoon!”.

  • April 23, 2011 4:22 pmPosted 13 years ago
    Ann Brandt

    Being older means accumulating a store of memories. We are 77 and 76 and still building memories, having just returned from Hawaii last month with a tsunami for the grand finale.
    Being older means not hesitating to try new things, keeping your options open.
    Being older means time for volunteering with a choice of a million and one things to do from stuffing envelopes to counseling harried parents.
    Being older means taking care of our bodies as if they are a beloved old car–with preventive maintenance.
    Being older means that time is running out and what are we waiting for. I can’t wait to go to…..


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