Archive for January 2012
Crossing the Generational Divide
Each generation has preconceived ideas and attitudes toward other generations. “Those older people just don’t understand.” “Young people today have no respect.” “Older adults are stuck in their ways.” “Young adults are lazy.” And you can add all of you own statements and the ones you’ve heard people say.
The problem is, these attitudes prevent us from really connecting with one another and more importantly, they prevent us from looking beyond the surface and seeing the real person. The hardships. The struggles. The joys. Read more
Binge Drinking and Adults 65+
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recently put out a report on binge drinking. Noted in the report is that the age group that binge drinks the most often is the 65+ age group.
This should cause us to stop and consider a couple of things: Read more
Serving Our Elders
Nearly every Sunday, (and Christmas morning was no exception) our family worships and serves at a retirement community. My husband, Jon, is the chaplain and he is the pastor to this flock of people and our children and myself are a part of the community of faith. We have two services every Sunday morning – one contemporary and one traditional (Just kidding!). But seriously, we have two services because the 80 to 100 people who attend church each week can’t all fit into the room at the same time! Read more